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Yang Zhang1, Douglas J. Casa2, Phillip A. Bishop3, , ,

1Independent researcher, P.R. China
2University of Connecticut, Korey Stringer Institute, Department of Kinesiology, USA
3The University of Alabama, Department of Kinesiology, USA (retired)

Emergency Preparedness for Sudden Cardiac Death and Exertional Heat Stroke during Road Races in China

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2020, 4(2), 51-53 | DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.200410


This short report discusses two deaths that occurred on October 20th 2019 during half-marathons in People’s Republic of China. The two fatal events were reported to be the consequence of sudden cardiac death. In September 2019, the State Council of China called for nationwide mass sports participation, which raised urgent operational challenges for event organizers and the sports medicine community in China. This report examined emergency preparedness experiences of road races from the United States, in the hope that the Chinese medicine community could continue to improve their ability to respond, and ultimately, to uphold safe sports participation in China.


Marathon, Race Medicine, Cardiac Arrest, Cold Water Immersion

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