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Marko Knezevic1, , ,

1University of Montenegro, Faculty for Sport and Physical Education, Niksic, Montenegro

Articles Published in all issues in 2010 in Sport Mont Journal: A Content Analysis

J. Anthr. Sport Phys. Educ. 2018, 2(2), 103-108 | DOI: 10.26773/jaspe.180418


Sport Mont Journal (SMJ) is a print and electronic scientific journal. Sport Mont Journal is published three times a year by the Montenegrin sport academy (MSA), in February, June and October of each year. To this day, close to 1,000 scientific papers of researches from all continents have been published in it. These are mostly papers presented at the scientific conferences of the Montenegrin Sports Academy, which are traditionally held every year at the end of March or early April. Sport Mont Journal covers all aspects of sports science and medicine; health and sport; exercise physiology and biophysical investigation of sports performance; physical culture; sports nutrition; rehabilitation; sports psychology; sport pedagogy; sport history sport philosophy; social and humanistic side etc. In this paper work which is about A Content Analysis of Published Articles in Sport Mont Journal in 2010. In such a way that all works will be selected according to the respective scientific fields to which they belong. This paper work presents the table with titles of the scientific fields according to which the works were sorted and their exact number. In the subtitle, the results are all assigned to all the works that have been processed and, in the end, the subheading entitled discussion gives a brief overview of the results obtained.


Asymmetry, Basketball, Preferred Limbs, Non-Preferred Limbs

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Acimovic, D., & Medjedovic, E. (2010). What sport management can not do without? “public relations”. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 127-9.

Aleksic, D., & Mekic, B. (2010). Examination of effects of arthystic gymnastics teaching of physical education on static strength of 3th & 4th grade pupils of elementary schools. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 185-91.

Bajric, O., Mekic, M. i Bajric, S. (2010). Kvalitativne promjene situaciono – motoričkih sposobnosti fudbalera pod uticajem programa fudbalera. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 149-56.

Bajric, O., Talovic, M., Jeleskovic, E., & Kovacevic, Z. (2010). Partial and general quantitative changes of morphological characteristics in football players 14 to 16 years of age. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 270-5.

Ban, D., Selmanovic, A., & Glavan, I. (2010). An influence of the program of the universal sports school Dubrovnik on the motor abilities development of sixth year children. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 122-6.

Banovic, M. (2010). Consequences of inadequate engagement of experts for building sport facilities in bar. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 322-8.

Bjelica, D. (2010). Obilježja sportske propagande. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 184-8.

Bjelica, D. (2010). Rationalization of bipedal movement – speed –. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 16-23.

Bjelica, D. (2010). Research methods in sport training. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 154-63.

Bjelica, D., & Petkovic, J. (2010). Motoric status relations in montenegrin yuoth population of various sport orientations. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 442-8.

Burnik, S., & Topic, M. D. (2010). Mountaineering in Slovenia and Bavaria. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 20-4.

Burnik, S., Coh, M., Karnicar, A., & Jereb, B. (2010). Some aspect of treining for slovenian touring skiers. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 6-11.

Coh, M., Supej, M., Zvan, M., & Burnik, S. (2010). Biodynamical profil of the take-off action in high jump. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 12-9.

Dimitric, G., Obradovic, B. i Sasa, R. (2010). Istorijat identifikacije i detekcije talenata u sportu. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 248-53.

Dimitric, G., Obradovic, B. i Vasic, G. (2010). Parametri koji utiču na brzinu plivanja na deonici 100m kraul tehnikom kod studenata fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 414-7.

Dimitric, G., Obradovic, B., Krsmanovic, T. i Solaja, M. (2010). Relacije između antropometrijskih karakteristika i rezultata plivanja na 50m kraul tehnikom plivača uzrasta 13-14 godina. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 311-4.

Dimitric, G., Obradovic, B., Krsmanovic, T., Solaja, M. i Grujic, I. (2010). Pojedinačan uticaj rada ruku i nogu na brzinu plivanja 50 metara kraul kod dečaka uzrasta 15 i 16 godina. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 259-62.

Djukanovic, N., Raznatovic, A., & Jovanovic, I. (2010). Diabetes mellitus and physical activity. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 230-4.

Drasinac, G., Glavicic, I., & Delibasic, Z. (2010). Scuba diving as a part of the official curriculum in the education system in the republic of Croatia. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 174-8.

Ejup, M., Hodzic, M., Hadziahmetovic, A. i Feric, A. (2010). Utjecaj bazično-motoričkih sposobnosti na brzinu vođenja lopte i preciznost u nogometnoj igri njemačkih nogometaša-kadeta uzrasta od 12 do 14 godina. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 84-93.

Gavrilovic, D., Kasum, G., & Radovic, M. (2010). History of savate (french boxing) in Serbia from XIX century till the end of the first world war. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 199-206.

Gojkovic, G. (2010). Differences of motorical abilities in relation to sex of pupils. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 423-8.

Gojkovic, G., & Radulovic, B. (2010). Differences of antropometrical characteristics in relation to sex of pupils. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 111-15.

Goranovic, K. i Bjelica, D. (2010). Antičke olimpijske igre i moderni olimpizam. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 403-7.

Goranovic, K. i Gardasevic, J. (2010). Dijagnostika nivoa treniranosti posebnih populacija na bazi parametara frekvencije srca i brzine trčanja na anaerobnom pragu. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 116-21.

Hodzic, M., Ejup, M., Hadziahmetovic, A., & Feric, A. (2010). Quantitative transformation changes of morphologic features and motor abilities in additional education. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 69-83.

Idrizovic, K. (2010). New standards in modelling top sprinters. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 82-91.

Jereb, B., & Burnik, S. (2010). The effect of acclimatization on the heart rate to increased altitude. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 33-9.

Joksimovic, M., Joksimovic, V., & Vujovic, D. (2010). Physical activity in medical vocational and training school students and their attitude on its significance. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 437-41.

Joksimovic, V., Joksimovic, M., & Vujovic, D. (2010). Coliosis like the deformity of the spinal cord and the ability for sports activies. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 408-13.

Jovanovic, M., Nicin, D., & Mandic, P. (2010). Relations between the morphological characteristics of grammar school female students and the results achieved at practising on the beam. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 24-9.

Jovovic, O., Djurovic, M., & Jovovic, A. (2010). Characteristics of sports recreational tourism in Montenegro. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 290-9.

Jovovic, V. (2010). Frequency and structure of sagittal disorders of the spinal column wieh adolescent students. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 98-103.

Kabok, I. (2010). Inclusion, differentiation and evaluation in physical education. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 320.

Kadusic, N., Agacevic, Z., & Kukic, A. (2010). Defense elements analysis in basketball applied by well-known coaches. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 329-44.

Kadusic, N., Kukic, A., & Agacevic, Z. (2010). Offense elements analysis in basketball applied by well-known coaches. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 263-76.

Kapidzic, A. (2010). Prediktivne vrijednosti morfoloških karakteristika na rezultate situacionih testova u nogometu. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 263-9.

Kapidzic, A., Smajic, M., Radoman, M., & Tomic, B. (2010). Relationship between morphological characteristics and situational-motor abilities in football. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 283-9.

Kezunovic, M. (2010). Povratak sportskim aktivnostima poslije rupture ahilove tetive. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 75-81.

Kezunovic, M. i Lakovic, O. (2010). Kompresija supraskapularnog nerva kod odbojkaša. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 189-94.

Kljajevic, V. (2010). Objektivnost ocjenjivanja i uticaj ocjene na stepen zadovoljstva učenika u nastavi fizičkog vaspitanja. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 143-8.

Kljajevic, V., & Cokorilo, N. (2010). Basketball influence on the reduction of subcutaneous fatty tissue on the population of schoolchildren. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 276-82.

Kondric, M., Mandic, G. F., Rausavljevic, N., & Videmsek, M. (2010). Prevention in racket sports. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 36-40.

Kostovski, Z. (2010). Transformed motoric characteristics after received programmed training process on superior karate athletes. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 54-7.

Kostovski, Z., S., & Mehinovic, J. (2010). Relations between šihon mae geri test for evaluating specific karate coordination and some of the basic motoric abilities. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 116-21.

Kostovski, Z., Preljevic, A. i Sala, S. (2010). Uticaj određenih bazično motorickih sposobnosti za ocjenu specifične karate koordinacije. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 277-82.

Krivokapic, D. (2010). The influence of autonomous diving on senses and mental processes. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 104-10.

Krivokapic, D., & Krivokapic, O. (2010). Development and shaping of students’ intrinsic motivation in physical education. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 58-62.

Krivokapic, D., & Krivokapic, O. (2010). Improvement of health and life quality in population through social support for development of phycical culture. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 418-22.

Krsmanović, Krulanović, B., R., Krsmanovic, T., & Kovačević, R. (2010). Aerobic and anaerobic capacity of football players as determinant for programming training work. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 245-9.

Lepes, J. (2010). Motor performance of primary school girls according to birth season. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 47-50.

Madic, D. (2010). Relations of anthropological latent dimensions and succes in exercises on apparatuses. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 149-53.

Madic, D., Tumin, D., & Kalicanin, N. (2010). Diferencies in conative charachteristics between male and female sport and physical education students. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 136-40.

Maksimovic, N., Matic, R., & Milosevic, Z. (2010). Analysis of finance and mark off success financial management. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 368-74.

Markovic, M., & Radoman, M. (2010). Bilingual english-serbian dictionary of sports. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 70-4.

Masic, Z., Cilerdzic, V., & Radotic, F. (2010). Applications nanotechnology in sports with special emphasis on aquatic sports. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 240-4.

Masic, Z., Mihajlovic, M., & Radotic, F. (2010). Nanotechnology and sport. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 235-9.

Medjedovic, A., & Bogdanovic, Z. (2010). Sport marketing. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 170-3.

Medjedovic, A., Medjedovic, E., & Spirtovic, O. (2010). The primary school teachers’ awareness level about preparatory part of physical education classes. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 164-9.

Mikic, B., Tanovic, I., & Bjekovic, G. (2010). Quantitative changes in motor abilities and some morphological characteristics under influence of additional individual training in soccer. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 47-53.

Milosevic, D. (2010). The model of the estimation of the erudition-social characteristics of the physical education. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 41-6.

Milosevic, D., & Bulatovic, D. (2010). Target planning of the physical educationt. Sport Mont, 7(1-22), 207-213.

Milosevic, Z., & Berar, M. M. (2010). Five magnificent people” in the field of secodary school physical education of the Serbs in Vojvodina. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 210-18

Milosevic, Z., Maksimovic, N., Milosevic, N., & Obradovic, B. (2010). Tehories of connections – practical implications in acquiring motor skills. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 322-9.

Milosevic, Z., Maksimovic, N., Obradovic, B., & Milosevic, N. (2010). School – place of elitism and humanism in sport. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 321.

Molnar, S., Popovic, S., & Doder, D. (2010). Comparation some motoric abilities two generation of football school players. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 64-8.

Molnar, S., Smajic, M., Popovic, S., & Tomic, B. (2010). Analysis of differences between boys attending a football school and thos who do not do sport with specific-motor abilities. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 204-9.

Mujanovic, E., Nurkovic, N., & Krsmanovic, R. (2010). Identification of effect of motor abilities on success in performing the basic turn in alpine skiing. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 130-5.

Muris, D., Mikic, B., Biberovic, A. i Zahirovic, J. (2010). Kvantitativne promjene antropoloških dimenzija studentica pod uticajem fitnes programa dance aerobik. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 40-6.

Nesic, M. (2010). Youth sport and parents. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 101-8.

Nozinovic Mujanovic, A., & Aghbar, J. (2010). Latent structure of applied variable motoric abilities on dancer students. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 313-19.

Ohnjec, K., Horvatin – Fuckar, M., Gruic, I. (2010). Elemantary games in funkcion speed reaction development of young male and fmale handball players. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 9-15

Opavsky, P. (2010). Nasilje u sportu. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 3-5.

Orlic, D., Cvetkovic, M., & Jaksic, D. (2010). The differences in motor and cognitive abilities in girls aged 7. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 141-8.

Pavlovic, R. (2010). The effects of practical teaching on students’ morphological dimensions. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 306-12.

Peneva, B. (2010). Functions of olympic education in contemporary school. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 30-5.

Pirsl, D. (2010). Sport psychology as cultural praxis: future trajectories and current possibilities. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 255-62.

Popovic, S., Molnar, S., & Smajic, M. (2010). Influence of summer break at some motoric abilities on football players aged 10 years old. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 58-63.

Popovic, S., Smajic, M., Joksimovic, A., & Masanovic, B. (2010). The differences in body composition between football players of different rank competitions. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 362-67.

Pori, M., & Sila, B. (2010). Frequency of sport activity participation of slovenes. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 92-7.

Pori, M., Pori, P., & Tusak, M. (2010). Which motor abilities have the highest impact on working performance of slovenian soldiers?. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 171-7.

Pori, P., Mohoric, U., & Sibila, M. (2010). The analysis of some loading and physiological variables on different intense interval “fast-break and quick retreat” exercise in team handball. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 128-36.

Radoman, M., Smajic, M., Joksimovic, A., & Tomic, B. (2010). Analysis of different forms of shots in football. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 198-203.

Radulovic, B. (2010). The analysis of trend of swimming results in Montenegro from 2000-2009. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 219-25.

Radulovic, B., & Gojkovic, G. (2010). The influence of strength training of growth and development of subadolescent and early adolescent children. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 109-15.

Rasovic, D. (2010). Montenegro and olympism. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 396-402.

Rubin, P. (2010). Principles of the system of "customizable” defense on the full basketball court. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 389-95.

Rubin, P., & Perusko, P. (2010). Importance of strategic information for development of bc «Beneton» Treviso. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 235-41.

Rubin, P., & Perusko, P. (2010). Intervals of active play and break in basketball games. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 375-81.

Sabotic, B. (2010). Some aspects of violence in sport. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 300-5.

Sekeljic, G., & Stamatovic, M. (2010). Gender aspect of physical education on the 4th grade primary schoolchildren. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 315-21.

Sekeljic, G., & Stamatovic, M. (2010). The influence of different teaching technologies on the 4th grade primary school girls motor space. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 254-8.

Sibila, M., Justin, I., Pori, M., Kajtna, T., & Pori, P. (2010). Quality level-related differences in selected morphological body characteristics and motor abilities of goalkeepers in team handball. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 51-7.

Skof, B., Milic, R. i Fabjanic, M. (2010). Uticaj 6-mesečnog programa trčanja na izdržljivost i parametre aerobne efikasnosti kod odraslih ljudi. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 3-8

Sokoli, B., Turjaka, B., Dujaka, A. i Ibri, L. (2010). Razlike u morfološkim obilježjima i motoričkim sposobnostima između igrača prvoplasirane ekipe i ostaloplasiranih ekipa fudbalske kadetske lige u Prištini. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 345-51.

Solaja, M., Petrovic, M., & Dimitric, G. (2010). The differences between some specific motor abilities of boys selected in tennis and soccer. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 157-60.

Stankovic, R., Bubanj, R., Bubanj, S., & Herodek, K. (2010). Kinematics analysis of the rowing techniques. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 94-100.

Stefanovic, R. (2010). The results difference between initial and final measurement in 500-meter cross-country race with different training methods. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 352-5.

Stijepovic, V., Ceranic, S. i Kezunovic, M. (2010). Kampanja o antidopingu u crnogorskom sportu i njeni rezultati. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 250-4.

Stirn, I. (2010). Differences between young (13-14 years of age) water polo players selected and not selected to the national team. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 63-9.

Stirn, I., & Strojnik, V. (2010). Twitch amplitude after three repetitions of exhausting isometric contractions at different starting intensities does not change. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 178-83.

Stojanovic, J., & Zrnzevic, N. (2010). State nutrition the younger elementary schoolchildren. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 226-34.

Stojiljkovic, S., Stojiljkovic, S. i Andrejic, L. (2010). Fizička aktivnost i zdravlje. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 179-84.

Vasic, G., Dimitric, G., & Cokorilo, N. (2010). Dietary nutrition of sportsmen. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 382-8.

Visnjic, D., Martinovic, D., Ilic, J., & Markovic, Z. (2010). Examination of achievement relations and motivation of 7th grade students for involvement in physical education classes. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 25-32.

Vujovic, D., & Petkovic, J. (2010). The influence of the sports training on the development of some specific physical abilities of the female handball players. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 356-61.

Vujovic, P., & Radoman, M. (2010). Comparative analysis of technical idicators and tactical utility of their application in football. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 137-42.

Vukasovic, D., & Zivkucin, S. (2010). Optimalization of working capital in sports equipment trading. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 283-9.

Vukovic, S., & Trivun, M. (2010). Anthropological students’ status and the results’ success in swimming. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 301-10.

Zrnzevic, N. (2010). The influence of the experimental programme of physical education curriculum on schoolgirls motor abilities. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 222-9.

Zrnzevic, N., & Stojanovic, J. (2010). The influence of the experimental programme of physical education curriculum on pupils functional abilities. Sport Mont, 8(23-24), 161-70.

Zrnzevic, N., & Stojanovic, J. (2010). The morphological characteristics of schoolgirls at early school age. Sport Mont, 7(21-22), 214-21.